How to Accelerate on your Paddleboard

Robert Stehlik of Blue Planet Surf  knows a thing or two about stand up paddling. In this video, Robert talks about how to accelerate more quickly on the SUP. Specifically, this video is about accelerating to catch waves and bumps, but we find the same technique to be the key to great race starts and also for coming out of turns.

The great thing about learning how to use “1st gear” is that it not only works better, it also is easier on your body (and your gear, if you’re a hoss).

Key Points in This Video

  1. Start in 1st gear: Cyclists will be able to relate to this concept pretty easily. To start in first gear, use short quick strokes — think high cadence and keep your strokes out front. Concentrate on a good catch, then take the quick stroke.
  2. Increase gears as you go: Once you get the board moving, you can start to slow down the stroke rate while gradually applying more power. We find it’s useful to mentally go through the gears until we’re up to race pace.

Turn It Into a SUP Drill

You can turn this concept into a great training drill that can help you turn that PR this year. Great starts get you clean water, so it’s important to accelerate well and get out front at the beginning of the race. Accelerating out of turns can open gaps on your opponents and really mess with their minds, which is fun, so this is a racing skill worth working on. Try the following drill once a week and you’ll see a difference in your races.

  • After you’re thoroughly warmed up, set up a short course of 20 meters or so.
  • At the starting point, start in first gear. Get a good catch each stroke, but keep the strokes short and quick.
  • As you gain speed, apply more power and length to your strokes. Your cadence will start to slow at you do this.
  • Work your way “through the gears” until your hit your finish point. Then ease off, step back and make a nice relaxed turn, come to a complete start and repeat.
  • Don’t be tempted to go further than 20 meters — you’re drilling, not working out. Concentrate on mastering the concept of acceleration in first gear.

Turn It Into a SUP Workout

You’re probably thinking, Hey, this could be a the basis for a great workout. Because that’s just how you are. And you’re right. Because you’re awesome. Check out the workout Acceleration Domination, and you’ll be even more awesome.

Acceleration Domination

The key to having a good race is often having a good start. Master the art of acceleration and you’ll get out into clean water at the start of the race, leaving your rivals back there in the washing machine while you pull away. Acceleration also is key to good pivot turns — if you’re good at it, you’ll open gaps on your opponents at every turn, which is hard on them physically and mentally. And that’s good. 

Here’s a great workout to help you achieve acceleration domination:

  • Warm up throroughly. This is important.
  • Main Set: Repeat 5-10 times
    • ​On a course 200 meters long, from a standing start, use quick, short strokes to accelerate. As you gain speed, shift to 2nd gear, slightly applying more power, lengthening your stroke, and slowing your cadence. Continue to “shift gears” until you’re up to race pace (not higher), which you should hold until you complete the course.
    • Rest 2:00.
  • Cool down

You can do this workout each week — add 100 meters to the course each week until you reach 1000 meters. Then subtract 100 meter per week. It will do wonders for your accelerations.

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