80 miles on the surfski?

If you’re thinking of doing the Crossing for Cystic Fibrosis or any other long-distance paddle crossing, race, or event on any type of paddle craft, this is one episode you don’t want to miss!

Join us for a conversation with Robert Martini, who completed the 80-mile Crossing for Cystic Fibrosis this year in a spec surfski. Martini shares all kinds of great information here: training tips, mental tricks, what he ate, what he drank, calorie consumption, flying fish attacks, the worst part of the crossing and the best part of the crossing. The sunrise photo alone is worth taking time to be a part of the conversation!

Share with us in the comment over at YouTube — have you done The Crossing or a similar event? What tips can you share? Are you planning to do this kind of epic paddle? And how are you planning to prep and train for it? We wanna know!